Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Helps people problem-solve. CBT also reveals the relationship between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and the behaviors that follow. Through CBT, people learn that their perceptions directly influence how they respond to specific situations. In other words, a person’s thought process informs their behaviors and actions.

How we work

How we work

Cognitive behavioral therapy provides a structured approach which keeps you focused on the goals of each session. This ensures the time spent in therapy is productive. The person in therapy benefits from a collaborative relationship. They can reveal personal issues without fear of judgment.
You may be given tools to help you to evaluate your emotional patterns, common techniques are:

  • Journaling
  • Challenging beliefs
  • Mindfulness
  • Relaxation

Go Talk Therapy strives to provide the best therapeutic service to all individuals who use our service.

CBT is used to treat many conditions including:

Mood issues
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
Obsessions and compulsions (OCD)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Anger management
Sleep issues

“I have attended around 8 sessions of hypnotherapy with Rachel and I found them to be extremely helpful. She was always welcoming and instantly made me feel relaxed and comfortable.”
